Diet And Nutrition Coach

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…
Examine the links between food and disease

It’s long been known that food choices can both increase the risk of disease as well as help to prevent it.

You’ll investigate the impact that diet can have on decreasing the risk of both cardiovascular disease and cancer. Looking at studies into different types of nutrients and disease, you’ll focus on the effects of fish oils, fibre rich foods such as fruit and vegetables, and vegetarian diets. Your food choices can have a profound impact on how long you’ll live.

Individualized fitness coaching to help you. Is this about you?

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone interested in better understanding nutrition and how to make effective changes to their own diet.

Who will you learn with? Dr.Serena Martin, dietologist and nutrition expert

We specialize in developing personalized plans to treat all your nutrition-related needs including Weight Loss, Sports Nutrition, Digestive Disorders, Eating Disorders, Hormonal Imbalances, Fertility, Food Intolerances, and Diabetes Education. Unlike many other nutritionists, we cater our plans to fit your unique lifestyle and medical needs.